I'LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS (Warner Bros. 1951) Warner Home Video

Atypically shot in B&W (as most musicals of its
vintage had made the transition to blazing Technicolor), Michael Curtiz’s I’ll
See You in My Dreams (1951) is an often compelling and tender-inclined
musical bio, charting the resilient marriage of composer/musician, Gus Kahn
(Danny Thomas) known as the ‘Corn-Belt Bard,’ and Grace LeBoy (Doris Day) – the
woman who simply adored him. Completely eschewing Kahn's Jewish origins, the plot was
revealed in retrospect by Grace. Aside: the real Mrs. Kahn was still very much
alive in 1951, although her husband had died ten years before. And the
screenplay, stitched together with great affection by Jack Rose and Melville Shavelson, took
its cue from The Gus Kahn Story – co-authored by the widow Kahn and Louis
F. Edelman, with the utmost reverence for its subject matter. It all paid off
in the end as I'll See You in My Dreams was the studio’s
second-highest-grossing picture of that year.
A film of immeasurable strengths apart from Day’s obvious
contributions to the venerable song catalog she belts out with spunk and heart
– and with definite chemistry emanating between Day and Thomas, I'll See You
In My Dreams was the sort of big-hearted cornucopia of great American
standards that Tin-Pan Alley, Vaudeville and the early sound era produced with spell-binding
consistency. Sensitively directed by Curtiz from Shavelson and Rose’s
poignantly embellished scenarios, the movie also marked Danny Thomas’ big debut.
Briefly touching upon the darker aspects of Kahn’s life (his multiple affairs
and addiction to alcohol) the movie instead chose wisely to zero in on the
moment when Gus found Grace and everything clicked as it should. Basically, this
is one good ole-fashioned love story – the kind no one takes seriously anymore
and Hollywood does not even dare to make.
As far as the ‘story’ went: Grace works for a music
publishing firm that caters to young song writers. Gus strolls in one afternoon
to pitch his wares and a little woo on the side. In no time at all, the
struggling Chicago song writer is penning odes and pop tunes that the whole
town is singing, with Grace by his side as his collaborator. Grace's constancy
in their partnership eventually leads to marriage but occasionally illustrates
a rather unflattering portrait of the possessive clingy woman, yet always with
a grounded center that can bring calm from the chaos of their sometime
turbulent relationship. In supporting roles were Frank Lovejoy as a superb
drunk, Walter Donaldson, and Patrice Wymore as sultry Ziegfeld star, Gloria
Knight – oozing sexuality from every pore as she warbles ‘Love Me or Leave
Me’ the song that would, ironically, serve as the title and canvas for one
of Day’s greatest musical hits several years later.
Warner Home Video’s DVD exhibits a very nice B&W
transfer. The gray scale has been balanced with deep solid blacks and very
clean whites. Contrast is nicely realized. Blacks are deep and solid. Whites,
generally clean. A fair amount of film grain is noticeable in several scenes
and there are age-related artifacts sprinkled throughout the transfer. Still,
the quality will surely NOT disappoint. The Dolby Digital 1.0 mono is
adequately represented. One wishes Warner had had the foresight to remaster at
least the songs in 5.1 stereo from the original directionalized audio stems.
Short subjects are the only extra feature. Bottom line: I’ll See You in My
Dreams is a cinematic devotional to the strong bond of marriage shared by a
great songwriter and his muse. Should be seen a lot more than it is today, and
revered among the truly great bio/musical movies. Buy today, treasure forever!
FILM RATING (out of 5 - 5 being the best)