THE OLD MAID (Warner Bros. 1939) Warner Home Video

Based on Zoe Akins’ stage play, itself a derivative of
the novel by Edith Wharton, Edmund Goulding’s The Old Maid (1939)
remains an exercise in maudlin melodramatic tripe, admirably executed in both
performance and craftsmanship by its star and director. In a year of iconic
movie-land offerings, The Old Maid ranks as but a footnote – notable only
for its first screen pairing of Bette Davis and Miriam Hopkins; grand dames in
front of the camera, but roaring barracudas behind the scenes. In fact, the
rivalry between these two great ladies began some years earlier when Davis beat
out Hopkins for the part of Julie in William Wyler’s Jezebel (1936); a
role originated by Hopkins on the stage, but with only moderate success. On
film, the same part garnered Davis her second ‘Best Actress’ Academy Award.
However, by 1939 Hopkins had a better reason to be envious of Davis. She was
having a very public affair with Hopkin’s fiancée. To state that Hopkins and
Davis were very much alike is a bit much, although they fed off each other’s
venom and quick-to-react temperament. Both were accomplished stars in their own
right, though Davis’ career then, as well as its longevity today, outshone her
competition. And Davis, neither content nor willing to ever let Hopkins forget who
was considered ‘the fifth Warner brother’ on the backlot, had her field days
acting the part of the grand dame when the cameras were not rolling; almost as
much as turning off the venom to appear the mousy – lesser than – to Hopkin’s
uber-bitch in this movie. So, Davis had it both ways; holier than thou on the
screen, but a little devil behind the scenes.
Casey Robinson’s screenplay ever so slightly improves
upon Akin’s histrionics. Set during the American Civil War, the story concerns
a sustained rivalry between two Philadelphian blue-bloods - cousins Charlotte
(Bette Davis) and Delia Lovell (Hopkins) on the day Delia’s is to wed snooty
well-to-do Jim Ralston (James Stephenson). This nuptial merriment is
interrupted with the arrival of former love, Clem Spender (George Brent) who
went away for two years to make his fortune and be worthy of Delia’s love. Clem’s
sudden appearance reawakens feelings of desire and passion in both sisters.
Delia suppresses hers, spurns Clem and marries Jim. However, Charlotte seizes
upon the opportunity to bow out of Delia’s ceremony and run off with Clem –
presumably, for an afternoon of pity sex that results in the birth of an
illegitimate child – Clementina (Marlene Burnett as a child, Jane Bryan as an
adult). Unknowing of Charlotte’s ‘condition’, Clem enlists in the Civil War and
is promptly killed. Meanwhile, Charlotte retreats – first to the West to have
her baby – then, into the life of a dutiful caregiver for war orphans that also
serves to conceal Clementina’s true identity among the rest. Nevertheless,
Delia discovers Charlotte’s secret on the eve she is to wed Jim’s younger
brother, Joseph (Jerome Cowen). Partly from spite – for it was she who would
have wished for Clem’s baby - Delia lies to Joseph, telling him Charlotte has
tuberculosis, and thus, ending their chances for marital happiness. Joseph
releases Charlotte from her commitment.
A twist of irony makes Delia a widow. As the years
pass, she diverts her grief to doting on Clementina instead. Not knowing the
truth about her origins, Clementina begins to refer to Delia as her mother – a
misconception Delia embraces under Charlotte’s watchful spinster’s eye.
However, when it seems as though Clementina’s romance with Lanning Halsey
(William Lundigan), a handsome suitor of social ‘respectability’ is threatened
by her illegitimacy, Delia offers Charlotte to adopt the girl, thus giving her
the Ralston name. In retrospect and on further reflection The Old Maid
is nothing without its superb casting. The sparks between Davis and Hopkins
fairly ignite the ornate tapestries hanging in the parlor of the Ralston home.
Elegant Donald Crisp proves a sympathetic backbone as Dr. Lanskell – a friend
of the family heavily invested in the happiness and security of both Charlotte
and Delia. Even the supporting players briefly glimpsed, Cecilia Loftus as
Grandmother Lovell and Louise Fazenda as ever-loyal maid, Dora deliver sterling
cameos to augment and compliment the story. In the final analysis, The Old
Maid is second-tier Bette Davis – but pitched to the public with all the
muster and elegance of a first rate heavy-hitter. More often than not, it entertains.
Warner Home Video’s DVD is quite gorgeous; a refined
B&W image with exceptional tonality and nicely balanced contrast levels.
Film grain appears indigenous to its source and age-related artifacts are kept
to a bare minimum for a very smooth and satisfying image that will surely NOT
disappoint. The audio is Dolby Digital 1.0 mono as originally recorded and
represented at an adequate listening level. Extras include the expected ‘Warner
Night at The Movies’ smattering of news reels, trailers and short subjects.
FILM RATING (out of 5 - 5 being the best)