ANASTASIA: Blu-ray (20th Century-Fox 1997) Fox Home Video

History on
film has always been a tough nut to crack. First, there are the facts to contend
with. These rarely run conducive to the linear plot of a motion picture. Then
there are the cast of characters from the historical record that inevitably
have to be condensed and/or tweaked so there exists definite heroes and villains.
Finally, there's the time line - stretching in reality often for decades or
even centuries to be distilled and made sense of in two to three hours. Add to
this mix a healthy sampling of actors' egos and creative license and voila! -
history becomes...well...not quite as it was but as a screenwriter might have
wanted it to be. All of these factual shortcomings are at play and compounded
in Don Bluth and Gary Goldman’s Anastasia
(1997); easily, the most sumptuous non-Disney animated feature of the last twenty
years – if not, in fact, of all time.
Taking its cue
more from director Anitole Litvak's spectacular 1956 fairytale re-envisioning
of history rather than the historical record, Bluth and Goldman's Anastasia further muddies the waters by
becoming an animated musical. The poignant underscoring from composer David
Newman and superb songs written by Stephen Flaherty and Lynn Ahren are all
showstoppers. As such, the resulting movie plays very much like a grandiose
Broadway show and this is as it should be. For the 1956 film, screenwriter
Arthur Laurents capitalized on the real life legend of Anastasia, the girl who
may or may not have escaped the fateful assassination of the Russian royal
family in 1918. Then, the mystery surrounding the real Anastasia was further
complicated by the fact that a woman named Anna Anderson - who had spent much
of her adult life in and out of mental asylums - was claiming to be the last
surviving heir of Tsar Nicholas II.
The Cold War
in the U.S.S.R. precluded any real investigation of what had become of the Tsar
and his family. But the 1994 discovery and exhumation of the royal's bodies
that had been shot, burnt and buried in an unmarked grave in 1918 created even
more of a stir, since neither Anastasia nor her brother, Alexei were among the
remains. Since the execution and burial had been carried out in haste it makes
no sense that their bodies should have been disposed of elsewhere. Although an
exhumation of Anna Anderson's body and DNA testing in 2000 proved unequivocally
that she was not Anastasia, the
whereabouts of the real girl are an unsolved mystery to this day and likely to
remain so. History’s loss – Hollywood’s gain.
As for the
1997 film, the narrative concocted by Susan Gautier and Bruce Graham is
fanciful to say the least. A majestic prologue narrated by the Dowager Empress
(voiced by Angela Lansbury) attempts to condense 500 years of Romanov history
into less than eight minutes of screen time. It is most effective at setting up
the villainy of Rasputin (Christopher Lloyd), the mad monk and one time advisor
to the royal family. Rasputin condemns the Tsar and his family at a grand ball.
To simplify the narrative - and not frighten the kiddies too much - we are told
that Rasputin used a magical reliquary to send his green goblin-esque minions
to dismantle the monarchy. This spectacular fall of a dynasty is tempered by
Rasputin's cute and cuddly sidekick, Bartok the Bat (voiced by Hank Azaria).
According to
the historical record, Grigori Rasputin was a most bizarre individual. Ordained
by the Orthodox church he was also a philandering scamp prone to all forms of
human debauchery, and, a shameless self-promoter who claimed to possess
mythical powers imbued in him by God. These he used on the Tsarina and on
Alexei to supposedly 'cure' the young heir's hemophilia.
Rasputin's reputation prior to entering the Royal house did much to tarnish the
Tsar's image, so much, in fact, that a secret assassination plot was hatched
and carried out by Prince Youssoupov. Rasputin, who had always claimed that if
any evil befell him his curse would destroy the Tsar, proved eerily on point
when Vladimir Lenin and his party came into power. But back to the film; after
the child princess is lost while trying to escape with the Dowager on a train
out of St. Petersburg, the narrative jumps forward some ten years. Anja (voiced
by Meg Ryan) is now an impoverished waif living in an orphanage. A blow to the
head has erased all memory of her past, although she craves a mother and father
and is compelled to journey to St. Petersburg in the hopes of finding them.
Instead, Anja
falls prey to a couple of sympathetic con artists, Dimitri (John Cusak) and
Vlad (Kelsey Grammar). They plan to take a girl – any girl - from the streets
and train her in the royal customs - just enough to fool the Dowager Empress,
who is an exile living in Paris, into bequeathing a handsome sum of money to
her lost granddaughter. But this heartless ploy goes awry when Dimitri
discovers that Anja is actually the girl they have been looking for, and more
to the point, he has been in love with since his childhood days as a palace
Meanwhile, in
another part of town, Bartok has rediscovered Rasputin's reliquary and
accidentally resurrects his old master from purgatory. Rasputin, who has lost
none of his vim and vinegar for the Royal family is determined to murder the
Tsar's last surviving heir. Part ghost/part walking corpse, Rasputin uses the
powers of the reliquary to teleport himself to Paris where he plots the death
of Anastasia.
Of course, this
being a musical and a cartoon Rasputin's various attempts all come to not.
After some sound advice from the Dowager, who eventually comes to believe that
Anja is Anastasia, the girl realizes true love trumps a royal flush any day of
the week. She chooses to abandon her crown and her title to pursue a romance
with Dimitri instead, but not before a showdown with Rasputin puts a period to
his life once and for all.
expecting a history lesson should seek it elsewhere. What this film does
provide is a very lush tapestry in the best vein of Broadway to Hollywood hybrid
musical offerings. Quite simply, it works: completely and charmingly.
Buttressed by Bluth’s attention to detail and having his artists capture
authenticity in their drawings, the film has flair and magic all its own, and
is a success on every level, but mostly at striking the right chord in our
The fact that
the real Anastasia's whereabouts remain unknown to this day gives at least
partial plausibility to featherweight alternatives such as this one. And let's
be honest...we all love a good fairytale. So, did Anastasia survive the fate of
her family? Did she find happiness and love and safety in the arms of a
handsome stranger? Did she endure and go on to live her life in peace? Well,
it's the rumor, the legend and the mystery. Perhaps we'll never know. Then
again, perhaps we never should.
Fox Home
Video's Blu-ray captures the breathtaking art of animation in every detail.
This a visually resplendent film that comes more regally to life in 1080p than
ever before. Colors are bold, vibrant and eye-popping. Blacks are deep and
velvety. Whites are very clean. This is a reference quality visual
presentation. The audio remains in 5.1 Dolby Digital - its original theatrical
presentation. While audiophiles will quip about the aural differences between
5.1 and 7.1 DTS, this audio presentation delivers an enveloping listening
experience that, at times, really gives your speakers a work out.
Extras are all
direct imports from Fox's previously released 2-disc DVD, and include an ill-timed
sequel – Bartok the Magnificent (a
tour de force for Hank Azaria, reprising his role as the loveable albino bat),
an extensive look inside the making of the film, a sing-a-long, and several
music videos. While virtually all of the extras are in 720i and prove to be
less than visually satisfying, it's the presentation of the original film that
deserves credit here. It's really quite stunning and comes highly recommended.
One final
note: I am really not a fan of repurposed cover art for Blu-ray releases. If
the original poster art was good enough to sell the film to audiences in
theaters then why isn't it good enough to sell it to them on home video? Anastasia's Blu-ray cover art isn't the
worst I've seen so far (that dubious honor belongs to Pleasantville) but it in no way compares to the amazing poster art
produced at the time of the film's theatrical release - artwork that, in fact,
was also used for Fox's first non-anamorphic release of the film on DVD in
FILM RATING (out of 5 - 5 being the best)