THE BAD SEED: Blu-ray (WB 1956) Warner Home Video
Not all
children are born innocent. Even today the name Rhoda Penmark (Patty McCormick)
conjures to mind rather disturbing, sickening and vial chills. It’s no wonder;
there is something genuinely unsettling about The Bad Seed (1956). On the surface Rhoda is a precocious eight
year old blonde moppet; considerate, charming and alarmingly mature for her age
in all her lady-like grace. She is the apple of her parents' Christine (Nancy
Kelly) and Col. Kenneth Penmark's (William Hopper) eye and an adoringly sweet
child to landlady Monica Breedlove (Evelyn Varden). But under this thin veneer
lurks pure poison – a sadist capable of inflicting pain, suffering and even
death on anything or anyone who gets in her way without so much as an ounce of
remorse. How far will this gargoyle in pigtails go? Well, she murders Claude Daigle,
the boy who beat her in her school's spelling bee, just to steal his medal. Then
she sets fire to Leroy Jessup (Henry Jones), the caretaker who's figured out
her wicked ways.
pantomime of innocence hasn’t fooled her school’s head mistress Claudia Fern
(Joan Croyden) who attempts to warn Christine of her suspicions before
expelling the child. Nor does it entirely convince the late Claude Daigle's
distraught and alcoholic mother, Hortense (Eileen Heckart) that the girl in not
responsible for his death. But by the time Christine has figured this out for herself
it's almost too late. She has become the next intended victim of Rhoda's
diabolical quest to be the center of attention. The Bad Seed is a paralyzing and very creepy tale that continues to
rattle the nerves primarily because of McCormick’s deliciously wicked performance
– one that regrettably typecast the child star and basically brought about a
premature end to her promising career. The 1970s would take this fascinating
preoccupation with bad kids to more perfunctory
extremes in movies like The Exorcist
and The Omen. But The Bad Seed isn’t about the
obviousness of evil – demonically influenced or otherwise - but rather its
obfuscation, especially when encapsulated by a fresh-faced façade incongruously
masking its more deliciously rancid deviances.
And Patti
McCormick’s performance is both bizarre and hypnotically compelling. She is
able to generate and maintain our mixed feelings of guilt, compassion and
reviled disgust for Rhoda Penmark. At once we’d like to coddle and/or slap her,
although neither action would likely draw clarity from the very murky
wellspring that is Rhoda’s twisted mind. She is a psychopath – perhaps the
first to be so eloquently represented in adolescent form on the big screen. Long before the
capricious mind-numbing/knife-wielding slaughter depicted in Halloween by a blank-eyed Michael
Myers, The Bad Seed’s Rhoda Penmark arguably
became the template for childhood sadism. The trick to McCormick’s performance
goes well beyond the way she is able to convincingly alter between manipulative
moments of gooey saccharine treacle and despicably venomous acts of violence unbecoming
a tot of her limited scope and years. Perhaps it is a little difficult to
quantify exactly what makes McCormick so bone-chillingly fun to watch –
although, the same could arguably be said for the public’s perverse fascination with
serial killers.
Nancy Kelly is
almost as good as Rhoda’s conflicted mother – unable to choose between
disciplining her offspring, turning a blind eye or coming to terms and the
realization that Rhoda is evil incarnate. Eileen Heckart's grieving mother is
quite simply superb. One can feel her self-destructive agony oozing from every
pore. Under Mervin LeRoy’s direction, the story nimbly unleashes its reign of
terror, ultimately leaving the audience with many nightmares yet to come.
Loosely based on William March's novel and more directly on Maxwell Anderson's
brilliant stage adaptation, The Bad Seed
revels in its almost suffocating claustrophobia. Rarely do we move outside the
Penmark’s apartment, and even when we do, the repercussions from Rhoda’s actions
are more implied than revealed. As example: partly due to the stringency of
the production code – which forbade explicitness - we never see Rhoda drown
Claude or burn Leroy. But LeRoy’s direction is suggestive enough of these
crimes, allowing the audience’s imagination to run rampant. John Lee Mahin's
screenplay ably adapts this source material, ever so carefully opening up the
stage bound contents without losing any of its shock value. In the last
analysis, The Bad Seed is a good
show; compelling, thought-provoking and decidedly hair-raising.
Warner Home
Video’s Blu-ray is a mixed bag. The DVD was full frame with a very smooth gray
scale, a respectable smattering of grain and very clean looking with deep
blacks and excellent contrast levels. The Blu-ray has been re-framed to 1:85:1,
presumably as the film was presented theatrically. But the Blu-ray image looks
oddly cramped, more disturbingly grainy and much darker in this new aspect
ratio, particularly when directly compared with the DVD presentation.
For example,
in the 'reframed' Blu-ray we don't see the table Miss Fern is setting her party
favors on at the park shortly before Claude Daigle's death. This may seem a
moot point, but on the Blu-ray we're not quite sure what Miss Fern is doing
while Christine questions her about Rhoda’s pending expulsion, while on the DVD
her actions - and pregnant pauses - are quite obvious. I also have to say that
at least on my HD display I was unable to properly frame the opening credits
without a distinct cropping of the Warner shield at the top, while the word
'with' in the subsequent credits listing supporting cast names was entirely cut
In 1:85.1 the
Blu-ray image seems somewhat 'blown up' with an exaggerated amount of film
grain that borders on digitalized grit in some scenes not visible on the full
frame DVD presentation. Contrast levels also appear brighter than they ought.
The DVD's tonality was very natural in appearance but the Blu-ray's mid-register
looks artificially boosted with a notable loss of fine detail. Not having ever
seen this film in a theater on film stock I cannot in good faith say which
presentation on home video is most like its theatrical engagement. But I can
offer a personal opinion. I still prefer the image quality of my full frame DVD
to the Blu-ray without question.
On both DVD
and Blu-ray the audio is mono and adequately represented. Extras are imports
from the DVD and include a featurette (billed as a documentary) in which Patty
McCormick – all grown up - rambles about the making of the film. Truthfully,
McCormick’s reminiscences boil down to a “look
at me, wasn’t I wonderful?” diatribe with inserts from the film as filler.
There’s also an audio commentary with McCormick and Charles Busch that’s
somewhat entertaining but equally self-congratulatory. Not recommended if you
already own the DVD.
FILM RATING (out of 5 - 5 being the best)