SEX AND THE CITY: THE MOVIE: Blu-Ray (HBO/New Line 2008) Alliance Home Video

At the dawn of the new millennium, Hollywood really
ramped up its cannibalization of the small screen for its big screen movie
franchises, practically to the point of utter absurdity. This trend began in
the early 1990’s with a string of cultish recreations of beloved television
shows from the 1960’s and 70’s (The Addams Family - 1991, The Brady
Bunch – 1995, Starsky & Hutch – 2004, Bewitched - 2005)
then, continued with the absorption of 80s pop-u-tainment (Charlie’s Angels,
2000, Miami Vice, 2006, The Incredible Hulk, 2008), gradually
mutating into TV/movie ‘tie-in’ of then current television series (The X-Files:
Fight the Future, 1998). However, as a television-to-cinema hybrid, Michael
Patrick King’s Sex and The City: The Movie (2008) is rather disappointing.
Instead of playing as a glossy hair extension of that highly successful HBO
series, this movie tends to run on as though it were five, half-hour
episodes loosely strung together. When last the series left the airwaves, sex
columnist, Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) had been rescued from a
possessive relationship on the banks of the Seine by the ever-cold-footed
matrimonial hunk, John James ‘Mr. Big’ Preston (Chris Noth), a philandering cad
who twice before reduced the usually effervescent Carrie to a puddle of sobbing
blubber. In Sex and The City: The Movie, Big is at it again.
After buying a lavish penthouse apartment for he and
Carrie – and redoing its closet to conform to the needs of her ever-expanding
obsessive/compulsive fashionista’s wet dream of a wardrobe – Big proposes
marriage, then chokes on his promise and bolts at the altar, leaving Carrie
looking bizarrely stylish in her atrociously expensive ‘Traviata’ wedding gown,
complete with the frenzied plumage of a blue bird stuck into her veil and – you
guessed it – yet again, desolated to the point of ravaged hyperventilation.
Breathe, baby…just breathe. It seems Big’s cold feet stem from a comment made
by Miranda Hobbes (Cynthia Nixon) at the pre-wedding banquet after she has
discovered her own mate, Steve (David Eigenberg) has cheated on her with
another woman. Ironically, given the title and premise of this movie, we never
get to see the sexual indiscretion that severs Miranda and Steve’s matrimonial
bond. Instead, the first hour of King’s calamity is devoted to an endless and
nauseating cavalcade of bizarrely unhinged and often tasteless ‘fashion’
costume changes as the brittle bride searches for the perfect wedding gown. So much for
Carrie’s dilemma. In another part of the city that never sleeps, the ever optimistic, though obtusely frigid, Charlotte York (Kristin Davis) continues to
live out a resplendently kosher Cinderella fantasy with Harry Goldenblatt (Evan
Handler) and their adopted Oriental daughter, Lily (Alexandra Fong).
If these narrative threads in King’s screenplay sound
weak to begin with, they positively fall apart with resident assembly-line hump
with an attitude, Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall) forsaking her perfect
relationship with pin-up underwear model/turned famous movie actor, Smith
Jerrod (Jason Lewis) simply for a chance to pursue another dead-end flagrante
delicto with next door neighbor, Dante (Gilles Marini) in Malibu, a guy who
prefers to shower in the nude in broad daylight on a public landing overlooking the beach where children frolic and scantily clad snow bunnies cavort for everyone's amusement. Honestly, who lives like this and does he have a sister as
uninhibited? What is rather disappointing about Sex and The City: The Movie
as opposed to Sex and The City: the series, is how utterly joyless this
excursion fast becomes, even as it borrows slavishly from the familiar stomping
grounds and scenarios to have made the TV show one hell of a fresh-lathered sweat
with audiences. But if anything, this is one time too many a trip to the same
damn well: Carrie and Big’s break-up leaving Carrie shell-shocked and sleeping
alone at a posh resort in Mexico. Even the girls’ conversations about bodily
functions, various sexual positions, and, other deliciously tawdry behavior
seem tinged with more than a hint of bitter regret, bitchiness and ennui.
In retrospect, perhaps the animosity brewing beneath
the façade of pretending to be friends had worn thin. Indeed, there have been
several public interviews given by both Sarah Jessica Parker and Kim Cattrall, to
illustrate just how little love is lost between them once the cameras stop
rolling. Neither has been particularly forthright in revealing the actual cause
of their mutual dislike. And, in fact, Cattrall has been the more ‘above it all’
lady-like in her general opinions, both to clarify, and yet simultaneously obfuscate
whatever the real reason might be for Parker failing to warm to her
professionalism. Oh, if only one could
have been a fly on King’s wall while talks were in the works to reunite these feuding
friends. Sex and the City: The Movie, retains Carrie’s voice-over narration
– a main staple of the series; alas, only as book ends. In the series, Carrie’s
reflections on life, love and great sex were the guiding principles to hinge
all the hilarity intermittently dispersed for our pleasure. Indeed, we know these
characters primarily through Carrie’s externalized referencing. In the movie,
Carrie’s comments are neither external nor reflective, merely a regurgitation
of what we already know or what we are already seeing – hence, they prove
pointless. After Carrie suffers her humiliation with Big at the altar, the
voice-overs stop abruptly and remain strangely absent until near the end.
Jennifer Hudson makes a welcomed – if all too brief –
edition to the clan as Louise from St. Louis, the friend and personal assistant
Carrie could really have used elsewhere, if the others in her self-absorbed set
were not so perpetually wrapped up in their own navel and crotch gazing antics.
Arguably the strengths of the franchise become this movie’s innate weaknesses.
Even more ironically, none are exploited to as good effect here as they had
been on television. For example: in the series, nudity plays its humorous part,
mostly as a precursor to Carrie’s frank observations on the absurdities
associated with this basic act of human procreation. The nudity in the series was
never there merely to shock or titillate for the thirty-second smut rush of
adrenaline, rather, to draw out the obvious foibles and ridiculousness of the episodic
conundrum being told. However, in the movie the sex is gratuitous. Steve
ravages Miranda. Samantha lies on a glass table in Smith Jerrod’s beach house,
covered in nothing but sushi, and – quite frankly – seeing Gilles Marini’s
hooded snake in profile and in widescreen is a sight I could so easily have
done without. Bottom line: we have seen all this badinage before, but readily played out with infinitely more savoir faire and light-hearted fun tacked on for good measure. The movie
substitutes the deliciousness of our innate curiosities about sex, for sex for sex sake, played
merely as a naughty, and not altogether enjoyable vice, rather than a filthy-minded little virtue.
Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda, never rode
the hobby horse as fringe bimbettes in the series. No, these were put-together
women of the world, searching for love while miraculously keeping things
together long enough to amuse us with their clever resolve and determination.
The movie seems to forget none of the gals is a full-blown ‘airhead’. And then
there is the rather obvious imbalance in on-screen time, allotted each gal. One
would think that with a 2 ½ hr. canvas to paint, King would have cleverly
embroiled his all-girl ensemble in enough female bonding to mate with the
tradition of the franchise. Alas - not so. Not surprising, Parker’s Carrie gets
the lion's share of running time – such as it is. Still, it is rather
disheartening to see so little of Cattrall’s Samantha Jones, relocated to a
west coast abode from which King’s screenplay desperately tries to find several
reasons to have her fly back to Manhattan for her regular dishing of the latest
dirt. The men of Sex and The City: the series were never its strength. They
were, however, integral to its humor. Regrettably, there is all too little
humor to go around in this movie. As proof, the series reoccurring gay
characters, Stanford Blatch (Willie Garson) and Anthony Marentino (Mario
Cantone) are barely glimpsed here. Noth’s Mr. Big gets a lot of play time – too
much in fact, as he has precious little to say and thereby relegates the other male
stars to tertiary cameos at best.
In the series, Miranda was given enough time to reveal
a certain vulnerability beneath her abrasive exterior – the shield of ‘no
nonsense’, slipping somewhat to make her sympathetic in all her harried and
stiffly conservative sexual frustrations. In the movie however, she is merely
reduced to the bitchy catalyst, responsible for destroying Carrie’s initial
chance at marital bliss with Mr. Big. Sex and The City: The Movie is all
about the surface sheen – Manhattan, looking ravishingly cosmopolitan – a Disneyland
for wayward adults with enough disposable income and slipping inhibitions to indulge
in its luscious social depravities. But King’s screenplay relies too much on the
audience’s blushing rose-colored identification with the series to sustain
these old acquaintances for 2 ½ hours herein. We are expected to remember all
of the series memorable moments in order to relate to these characters on film.
Yet, even for devotees of the franchise, the trick here never quite works.
After all, these gals are older now and thus ought to be wiser as well.
Inserting snippets from the series when their struggles were fresher and
funnier only serves to reiterate just how far the series has come and how much
further removed the incidents presented herein seem – desperately clinging to what
we best remember from the past. In fact, the opening title sequence begins with
snippets from various episodes in the series – a sort of Sex and the City…the
good years’ recap and travelogue - though nothing short of a solid plot can stop
these recollections from sinking under the featherweight ridiculousness of the
movie’s central focus. Experiencing a good movie may very well be like having
great sex, but this movie achieves neither satisfaction.
Alliance/New Line’s Blu-Ray easily bests its standard
DVD. Color fidelity and fine details take a quantum leap forward. Contrast
levels are bang on. Blacks are deep and solid. Flesh tones appear quite natural
on the Blu-Ray while looking rather pasty on the DVD. The audio is an
aggressive 5.1 Dolby Digital with a very powerful sonic spread across all
channels, giving the pop music soundtrack its due wherever and whenever
possible. Extras include a brief 'making of' and commentary track that is self-congratulatory
at best.
FILM RATING (out of 5 - 5 being the best)