T2: JUDGMENT DAY: Blu-Ray (Carolco, 1991) Alliance Atlantis Home Video

Interesting, in retrospect, to consider where the
career of Arnold Schwarzenegger might have gone had it not been for The
Terminator (1984), the movie to effectively take his little known presence
outside of the niche sport of bodybuilding, and elevate not only the stature of
the man, but the sport itself to Herculean popularity with the masses. Consider
this: that the ‘fitness craze’ was not a ‘thing’ until Schwarzenegger’s
arrival on our movie screens, suddenly to make every teenage boy in the
audience want to possess the bulging body of a superhero: even more impressive,
given Schwarzenegger’s role in the original Terminator was that of the
villain. It mattered not his cyborg killer was out to decimate mankind. Arnold
became the instant sun god of the steroid sect, parlaying his Mr. Olympia’s
into a movie career that spawned imitators aplenty. Muscles were suddenly sexy
again and the bigger the better. So, gyms – then, possessing no real corporate
sponsorship, and, once thought of as grungy little bastions for the socially insecure
and superficially vane, suddenly became fashionable and mainstream; their
designer grade status further elevated as some of Hollywood’s biggest names, including
Sylvester Stallone and Jane Fonda began putting out their own ‘get healthy’
vibes to promote the lifestyle. Clearly, Schwarzenegger’s influence had grown
beyond his biceps, which were formidable to say the least.
Owing to the phenomenal success of The Terminator,
director, James Cameron always intended to follow up with a sequel. For one
reason or another, seven years would elapse before Terminator II: Judgment
Day (1991) made it to the big screen. By then, Schwarzenegger was a
household word, having come to dominate the summer blockbuster in a series of
rough-and-ready adventure yarns that pit his brawn against seemingly
insurmountable odds. Alas, legends do pass their prime, and Schwarzenegger’s
was ever so slightly on the wane by the time Cameron came to call for this
sequel. Indeed, Schwarzenegger’s physical colossus had shifted with the trajectory
of focus on his future ambitions. No longer considered a pro bodybuilder, the Schwarzenegger
emerging in Terminator II would not be privy to any such gratuitously
impressive full nudie shots as he had appeared in for the original sci-fi
classic. Instead, he would be sheathed in a brutally weather-beaten bomber jacket,
T2 allowing only for the briefest glimpses of Schwarzenegger’s still
well-developed chest, during an early bar room brawl. Also, this time around
Schwarzenegger would be cast – not as the evil incarnate cyborg, threatening to
finish the job he had begun in the original movie, but as Sarah Connor’s
savior, reprogrammed by the humans of the future, and, sent back in time to protect
her from an even more lethal derivative of the A.I. intelligence, capable of replicating
itself into any human form, thus making it far more difficult to spot.
This wrinkle in T2's script, co-authored by
James Cameron and William Wisher Jr. proved winning with audiences who, by now,
would likely not have accepted Schwarzenegger as anything less than the hero of
the piece. As such, his ‘terminator’ has been reprogrammed in the future by the
human resistance and sent back to 1995, to endure both Sarah Connor and her
child, John (Edward Furlong) – the future leader of the resistance, live out
their natural lives. Our story picks up some years after the ominous finale of
the original movie. After attempting to blow up Cyberdyne Systems - the company
inadvertently responsible for the looming future apocalypse - Sarah (Linda
Hamilton) has been incarcerated in a ‘maximum security’ institution for the
criminally insane. John's foster parents, Janelle (Jenette Goldstein) and Todd
(Xander Berkeley) have a loose hold on their young charge who has been reduced
to the status of a common punk in the absence of any real parenting. Meanwhile,
John's futurist assassin, the T-1000 terminator (Robert Patrick) has arrived in
the present to destroy him. Able to assume the body of anyone he touches, the
T-1000 murders a police officer and assimilates his presence to search for
Discovering John at a local arcade, the T-1000 is
thwarted by the original Terminator. After a harrowing chase on motorcycle, the
Terminator and John become more intimately acquainted and John realizes all the
stories his mother told him while he was growing up about being a great warrior
in the future are true. The Terminator and John break into the facility housing
Sarah on the eve she is also poised to stage her own daring escape. The T-1000
arrives and another violent confrontation ensues with The Terminator, Sarah and
John narrowly escaping. Isolated and alone once again, Sarah is determined to
murder Dr. Miles Bennett Dyson (Joe Morton), the brilliant computer systems
engineer who will inadvertently create the technology that destroys
civilization. Paring off from John and The Terminator, Sarah arrives at Miles uber-modern
home and narrowly carries out her plan. She is prevented in completing the
assassination by John and the Terminator with Miles learning the truth about
his stake in the future. Thereafter, he vows to help Sarah, John and the
Terminator destroy all of his research currently housed at Cyberdyne Systems.
Unfortunately, the police are alerted to the break-in
at Cyberdyne. In the resulting mayhem, Miles is killed by sniper fire and the
T-1000 relocates Sarah, John and The Terminator. Racing down a lonely
California highway, the T-1000 meets up with his targets at a smelting plant.
The Terminator fires several rounds into a tank of liquid nitrogen and
momentarily freezes the T-1000. However, the intense heat from the smelting
furnaces reverses this effect and the T-1000 pursues John and Sarah to a
scaffold high above a pit of molten steel. The Terminator, badly beaten by the
T-1000, manages to fire several rounds into the T-1000, knocking it into the
boiling pit below. The intense heat is enough to vaporize the seemingly indestructible
machine, and Sarah and John look on as the immediate threat to their well-being
is wiped out. However, in order to secure a different future for humanity, the
Terminator reasons he too must be destroyed. Sarah agrees. After a bittersweet
farewell with John, Sarah lowers the Terminator into the molten furnace where
he too perishes.
The most expensive movie made to its date, Terminator
2: Judgment Day is an even more bleak and depressing sci-fi saga than its
predecessor. Yes, there are memorable action sequences a plenty and, then,
state of the art special effects supplied by Industrial Light and Magic and
Stan Winston to distract the viewer from the obvious message beneath all the
pyrotechnics. However, the sobering reality, that mankind may one day invent
its own doomsday device, is ultimately what remains most enduring in the memory. Intelligently
wrought, but devastatingly dour, T2 grossed a whopping $519 million
worldwide, reaffirming that Cameron and company would return yet again for
another bite at apple. However, in the years since the sequel’s release, the
reality of world events suggest we may somehow actually be nearer to Cameron’s
danger zone timeline of extinction than originally thought. In the final
analysis, T2 is remains a movie of few questions, and, even fewer
Alliance Atlantis Skynet Blu-Ray edition of T2
easily bests any of multiple re-issues the movie has endured on standard DVD.
One immediate complaint – the prolonged delay upload of the movie, even on
today’s state-of-the-art players. After several long moments a message appears
on players not hooked up to the internet, prompting either retry the disc or
cancel its operation entire. Selecting 'cancel' will force independent players
to upload content available on the disc only. As for the image, it is much
improved over previously issued DVD’s. However, it is far from perfect. The
biggest complaint comes in overall refinement. The image here just seems softer
than it did before. Contrast levels are anemic with a loss of fine detail as
the direct result. Colors less punchy too. Close-ups and medium shots render
adequate detail. However, establishing shots remain wholly unimpressive. The
audio is 5.1 Dolby Digital and not up to snuff for a thrill ride experience of
this vintage. Extras on the disc alone are limited to audio commentaries and a
few vintage junkets. Bottom line: not an exceptional transfer.
FILM RATING (out of 5 - 5 being the best)