THE YOUNG VICTORIA: Blu-Ray (GK Films/Momentum Pictures 2009) Alliance Home Video

Intelligently scripted by Julienne Fellows and
directed with appropriate sweep and intimacy by Jean-Marc Vallée, The Young
Victoria (2009) is a compelling - if mercilessly truncated - portrait of the
formative years of a youthful girl, navigating her way through governance of
the British Empire that, at the time of her arrival, was not at all in an
enviable state. In more recent times, the intimate life of England's second-longest
reigning monarch to date has become the subject of much debate, and, as many
docu-dramas. But in 2009, the resource was relatively untapped, allowing Fellowes his
creative license and a fairly fresh palette of exploration besides. The real
Victoria, whose reign lasted from June 1837 to January 1901 ushered in what can
only be described as a golden age for the nation – or, as history denotes - the
‘Victorian’ era, nearly 64 mesmerizing years of industrial, cultural,
political, scientific, and military progress, to aggressively expand upon
Britain’s influence at home and abroad. After the death of her father, Prince
Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn – and his, King George III, the young
Victoria was sequestered by her domineering mother, and her comptroller, John
Conroy. Inheriting the throne after the untimely death of Edward and three elder
brothers, Victoria was only eighteen when she was expected to rule - a
constitutional monarch, actually, who held little direct political power, but
endeavored to influence government policy through ministerial appointments.
Publicly, Victoria was expected to
uphold the nation’s strict standards by exercising an even more stringent
The Young Victoria is not particularly interested in
what followed this foray into public life, stopping short after the Queen’s courtship
with her cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, whom she wed in 1840. However,
for the record, it is worth noting Victoria’s familial links to virtually
every royal house on the continent earned her the moniker, ‘the grandmother of
Europe’ as 34 of her 42 surviving heirs intermingled with the aristocracy abroad,
with current living descendants to include Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, Duke of
Edinburgh, Harald V of Norway, Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Margrethe II of
Denmark, and Felipe VI of Spain. Alas, Victoria’s brood were also the
harbingers of hemophilia, a condition to first afflict her youngest offspring,
Leopold, and, would continue to plague two of her five daughters, Alice and
Beatrice, resulting in the disease resurfacing in her great-grandsons,
Alexei Nikolayevich, Tsarevich of Russia, Alfonso, Prince of Asturias, and,
Infante Gonzalo of Spain. As the disease only afflicted Victoria's descendants, not her ancestors, some latter-day speculation has arisen that perhaps Edward
was not her father. However, more than likely, Edward’s age – he was 50 when
Victoria was conceived – contributed to her becoming the carrier of this condition.
The Young Victoria stars Emily Blunt as a teenager,
with various brief and fleeting flashbacks of the princess' childhood, depicted
by child actors, Grace Smith and Michaela Brooks. Through Blunt's voice-over
narration we learn Victoria's mother, The Duchess of Kent (Miranda Richardson)
is a rather ineffectual matriarch, more enthralled by her behind-closed-doors
relationship with the overbearing Sir John Conroy (Mark Strong) than in raising
the future heir of England. Conroy is determined to have Victoria sign over her
authority to him, declaring a regency in England after the death of King
William (Jim Broadbent). This, the strong-willed Victoria will not do,
incurring Conroy's wrath and constant threat of physical violence. For his
part, the King – while he lived – admonished The Duchess of Kent at every
chance, condemning her mishandling of Victoria's youth and education and her
isolation away from court. Meanwhile, King Leopold of Belgium (Thomas
Kretschmann) is frantic to gain England's financial assistance to sustain his
monarchy. Leopold reasons the best way to control the future destiny of his own
country is to sell one of his sons into marriage to the future Queen of
England. To this end, Leopold dispatches two amiable suitors for a 'visit' -
one of them Prince Albert (Rupert Friend). However, early courtship is marred
by Albert's indoctrinated training to appreciate everything Victoria knows and
loves. Despite not being exposed to this sort of mimicry, Victoria is not so
easily fooled by Albert’s acquiescence and recognizes the rouse.
Gradually, however, Albert begins to trust his own
instincts and speaks to Victoria from his own heart through a series of
letters. These more honest revelations come at a time when Victoria is been
pushed towards a possible alliance with the current Prime Minister, Lord
William Melbourne (Paul Bettany). Although Melbourne effectively becomes
Victoria's Secretary of State, he will never gain control as was earlier hoped.
Instead, Victoria and Albert are wed and, after several early and brief hiccups
in their marital bliss, a mutual respect is allowed to blossom. Indeed, Albert
genuinely cares for his wife and will ensure her safety from all manner of
court intrigues, designed to minimize and undermine her authority. Recognizing
the toxic influences, she has thus far been plagued, Victoria exiles her mother
and Conroy and moves into the newly erected Buckingham Palace to begin he reign
as England's much cherished monarch. King Leopold realizes he will not control
England through Albert's marriage. The movie concludes with Victoria and Albert
arriving at one of the many balls they enjoyed during their ‘happily ever after’
20-year marriage.
The Young Victoria is something of a fairy tale, not
the least for eschewing the darker aspects of the Queen's life, and presenting
her with the ultimate Prince Charming. Alas, Albert died of typhoid at the age
of 42, leaving behind nine royal heirs. Victoria would go on to reign another
41 years in his absence, each evening, laying out Albert's clothes as though she
might expect him to return. It is this sense of quiet, loyal passion Albert and
Victoria shared throughout their marriage that is largely at the crux of Julienne
Fellows' fancifully constructed screenplay, even though, for much of the film’s
run-time, these two ‘fated to be mated’ companions are miserably separated by
royal intrigues and deceptions that threaten to destroy their mutual happiness.
Emily Blunt, an actress only briefly glimpsed in American movies at the time,
and virtual unknown to American audiences still, Rupert Friend, have genuine
on-screen chemistry here. The picture would, in fact, be nothing at all without
their symbiotic friendship behind the scenes and their repartee on-camera, perhaps best exemplified during a game of chess from their early courtship.
This, teems with a sort of burgeoning, cordial, but palpable sexual tension and
foreshadowing of the future.
Superbly crafted and expertly played, The Young
Victoria is magnificent, if modestly flawed entertainment that will surely impress. If the movie
has a shortcoming, it remains that much of Victoria's youth, prior to her meeting Albert, is glossed over in vignettes. These pass in a forgettable succession as a not
terribly engaging montage. Indeed, much of the first and third acts here seem
rushed, as though someone is standing over Jean-Marc Vallée with a stop-watch,
encouraging him to simply move on to the next pivotal moment in Fellowes’
screenplay. The middle act is where all the meaty resolve of Victoria and
Albert’s great love affair resides, and, it proves the lynch pin that makes these
book-ended ‘leftovers’ seem, if not entirely satisfying, then passably
acceptable as mere connective tissue to usher the audience into ‘the good stuff’.
The Young Victoria is not a grand
epic, nor even a great movie. But it does offer the first intelligent and historically
accurate account of the youthful Queen’s formative years as England’s beloved
monarch. In the U.S. it received a very limited release, contributing to its rather
lackluster gross of only $26 million on a $35 million budget.
Alliance Home Video's Blu-Ray transfer is quiet
stunning, capturing all the sumptuous color and pageantry of royal court with
breathtaking clarity. Scenes taking place in candle lit halls or at night are
more softly focused as intended by Hagen Bogdanski's evocative cinematography.
Flesh tones are natural. Fine detail is beautifully realized. This is a
reference-quality disc with top-notch performances to boot. The audio is 5.1
Dolby Digital and quite adequate for this largely dialogue-driven narrative.
Extras are the biggest disappointment. Deleted scenes are about the best of the
lot. The 'featurettes' are an utter claptrap of nonsensically thrown together
clips from the film that fade into the briefest of reflections provided by
cast, crew and Lady Sarah Ferguson - the Duchess of York. Bottom line:
FILM RATING (out of 5 - 5 being the best)