KISS ME DEADLY: Blu-ray (UA 1955) Criterion Home Video

It has often
been pointed out by various scholarly film critics that during the 1950's movie
genres increasingly broke with their tried and true criteria in an effort to
win back theater audiences who had begun to stay home and watch television
instead. While no one can deny that various hybrids emerged throughout the
decade the reality is most genres remained fairly close to the values and
aesthetics that had initially made them popular with fans. This is how I regard
Robert Aldrich's Kiss Me Deadly
(1955): a grittier than most crime thriller that borrows both its title and
central character from a novel by Mickey Spillane but precious little else, in
favor of a totally original screenplay by A.I. Besserides.
Mike Hammer became a cultural phenomenon after WWII with Spillane himself
playing the character he created in several movies based more closely on his
own pulp fiction. In retrospect, the character's appeal is easy to understand
amongst its male readership. Emotionally, physically and socially emasculated
by those terrible years of war, and furthermore displaced in their lives and
careers upon their homecoming, American G.I.'s were hungry for the sort of ‘take
charge’ guy not beholding to anyone but himself. Spillane's Mike Hammer is such
a brute – a vane bastard, though one with an irreprehensible penchant for
womanizing the wrong kind of gal, seemingly without ever allowing her to get
under his skin.
Aldrich's Mike
Hammer takes the character one step further to his inevitable devolvement into
a narcissistic lesser of two evils. Just what the 'other evil' is in the world
of Mike Hammer will be explained in lurid detail by Aldrich and Besserides in
short order. The screenplay opens with a girl, Christina Baily (Cloris
Leachman) running barefoot and wearing only a trench coat on a lonely stretch
of open road late at night. She manages to hitch a ride with L.A. private eye
Mike Hammer (Ralph Meeker) but only after damn near being run over by his
sports car. Hammer is a hard boiled self-absorbed man about town; a breezily
arrogant son of a bitch with absolutely nothing to lose...except, perhaps his
livelihood and a few friends; the latter few and very far between.
After learning
Christina is an escapee from a mental hospital Hammer helps her elude police.
He stops at a gas station where Christina asks the attendant to mail a letter
for her. He does and she and Hammer are on their way. But their car is forced off
the road by men who are searching for Christina. Hammer is beaten unconscious
while Christina is tortured to death inside a seedy motel. Afterward, the thugs
(whose faces we never see) place Hammer and Christina in Hammer's sporty Jaguar
and push it off the side of a cliff where it meets with a fiery end.
To Hammer's
amazement he has survived the ordeal and wakes up inside a local hospital with
dutiful secretary and sometimes lover, Velda (Maxine Cooper) leaning over his
bedside. Hammer quickly learns from his fair-weather friend, Lt. Pat Murphy
(Wesley Addy) that he is part of a federal investigation. The task force
ruthlessly grills Hammer. He keeps his cool – just barely - without telling
them anything. Pat warns Hammer to stay away from the investigation. But
Hammer, sensing a nice fat retainer at the other end, decides instead to
ambitiously pursue it on his own term and with his usual lack of tact.
Reunited in
his apartment with Velda, Hammer encourages her to work an angle on their
latest divorce case. It seems Velda uses her feminine wiles to seduce wayward
husbands whereupon Hammer employs his oily charm on the wives, thereby playing
both against the middle to secure his fee. While Velda is off on her latest seduction,
Hammer goes to see friend, Nick (Nick Dennis) a garage mechanic who informs him
that his Jaguar is totaled. Next, Hammer follows a lead to Christina's
apartment where he meets waif-like sex kitten Lily Carver (Gaby Rogers) who is
posing as Christina's ex-roommate.
Lily tells
Hammer that she moved out of the apartment they once shared because she was
afraid for her own life. But Hammer suspects something more sinister is afoot
when he is attacked after leaving Lily's. Christina's letter arrives at Hammer's
apartment with the cryptic message 'remember me'. Hammer links this clue to a
book of poems found in Christina's apartment and slowly begins to unravel the
riddle behind what he and Velda have nicknamed 'the great whatsit.'
With Lily in
tow, Hammer goes to the coroner's office, realizing that a pivotal passage in
the poem makes reference to a key. The coroner, Doc Kennedy (Percy Helton)
agrees but demands half of whatever the treasure might be in exchange for
giving Hammer the key he's discovered on Christina' s person. Instead, Hammer
breaks the man's fingers by closing them in a desk drawer, then takes the key
with the initials H.A.C. to the Hollywood Athletic Club. Inside one of the
lockers Hammer discovers a mysterious box containing a terrible force of
nature. He attempts to pry the lid open but is severely scalded on the wrist.
Hammer tells
the club's proprietor to keep the contents of the box and the locker a secret
but late the proprietor is found murdered at the club by Pat Murphy. The box
has vanished. Meanwhile, Velda has been kidnapped in an attempt to silence
Hammer once and for all. Determined to know how much of the mystery Hammer has
already figured out Dr. G.E. Soberin (Albert Dekker), the criminal mastermind
behind these baffling murders, has his thugs bring Hammer to a remote Malibu
beach house. Hammer is injected with sodium pentothal but manages to divulge
nothing to his captors.
Lily is
revealed as Gabrielle, Dr. Soberin's nymphomaniac mistress. After Hammer
escapes and realizes that Velda is being held captive at the beach house he
returns to rescue her, only to discover that Lily/Gabrielle has murdered her
lover out of greed for what's in the box. She wounds Hammer in the gut, then
opens the box in front of him, inadvertently releasing the government's top
secret H-bomb into the room. Wounded but still very much alive Hammer manages
to crawl to an ajoining bedroom where Velda is tied up. He save her and himself
from presumably toxic amounts of radiation, the pair escaping into the surf
moments before the beach house is consumed in a radioactive fireball.
I suppose we
must forgive Adlrich and Besserides this utterly implausible last act,
especially since at the time of the film’s release no one knew how destructive
splitting the atom could be. Under this pretext, it is enough that Hammer has
diffused the situation, solved the crime, dispatched the criminal element and barely
escaped with the woman who really means more to him than anyone else – except,
of course, himself. Even so, Kiss Me
Deadly is a bizarre film noir. At once it marks a revisionist beginning and
sadly, an end to the movement begun nearly two decades earlier with The Maltese Falcon and I Wake Up Screaming. It dabbles in the
then Cold War paranoia over nuclear annihilation but never quite explains how
so many lowlifes and disreputable underworld characters have been able to get
so close to a top secret technology that, at least in 1955, would have been
largely unknown to all except a handful of top U.S. government physicists and
If anything,
director Aldrich's Mike Hammer is even less appealing and more of an egotist
than Spillane's original incarnation, and it is saying much of Ralph Meeker's
performance that despite his retention of those repugnant qualities he manages
to exude a strange and seductive appeal the audience can root for. It is a
genuine pity the film was a flop back in 1955 because we might have seen more
Aldrich/Meeker collaborations and more Mike Hammer movies as a result. There
really is no point picking apart the discrepancies between the film and the
novel. The two are irreconcilable. The book isn't the movie and vice versa. The
film's release proved an uphill battle for Aldrich who had to fight like hell,
first with the MPAA to secure a general rating and then with The Legion of
Decency, who condemned its ultra-violence. However, like Hitchcock's Psycho all of the murders that occur in
Kiss Me Deadly happen off camera.
The most
shocking moments in the film are Hammer's brutalization of one of Dr. Soberin's
thugs whom he sends flying down a steep flight of cement stairs, and Lily/Gabrielle's
demise at the end; rather graphically torched using a wax body double.
Otherwise, Aldrich and the film stay fairly close to the familiar noir
detective/crime story we have come to know and expect. In the final analysis Kiss Me Deadly is a fond farewell to
film noir. Its failure at the box office and the gradual decline in popularity
of the B-movie ultimately put a period to dark thrillers like this one; a real shame
because Kiss Me Deadly is one of the
Blu-ray leaves something to be desired. The disc's extensive linear notes do
not detail whether this is a 2k, 4k or 6k transfers, although judging from the
results 2k is probably more like it. The B&W image is often crisp but
contrast levels occasionally appear slightly boosted. Many scenes are softly
focused with a loss of fine details. Grain looks very natural in some scenes,
but too heavy and slightly digitized in others. I have my suspicions that
Criterion struck this 1080p transfer from existing digital files rather than a
new image harvest from original camera elements. Too bad.
The audio is
mono and acceptable for this presentation. I can't say I much care for the
extras. Alain Silver and James Ursini's commentary is the best of the lot. A
brief video piece featuring Alex Cox's reflections on the film begins and ends
abruptly while its image is riddled with edge enhancement effects. We get only
excerpts from a 1998 and 2005 documentary instead of the whole documentary. The
advertised 'controversial ending' is less than thirty seconds long and is not
at all 'controversial'. Bottom line: Kiss
Me Deadly is deliciously subversive and perverse film noir. It's a must
have blind purchase. Despite the aforementioned difficulties with this
transfer, this is by far the best the film has ever looked on home video.
FILM RATING (out of 5 - 5 being the best)